
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

1 Sck Thresum

So far, it has been one of those lopsided "Top 3" races, with Hillary coming up quick, but she may be too late to beat the honorable Senator Obama or McCain. Now, I like things from all the parties, Not JUST THE TOP 2 Obama and McCain, making it quite hard to decide who I jump for. Being a newly found Independent, I would be fine with an African-American president, or a Corpse-Republican president, or even the small stretch Female president. But inevitable, Barack Obama is going to be the Democratic nominee (not that I'm not crushed that my former lover, Former Governor of Iowa Tom Vilsack, isn't going to win the Democratic nomination). In a real-life Rocky Vs. Apollo Creed, both candidates have one of my hands, and they continue to pull. Now, I want to clear up this right now, I have NEVER been a racist in my LIFE, but up until 6 monthes ago, I could have never imagined an African-American could've come this far (Even headsetters like Alan Keyes and Jesse Jackson never made it this far). And I've never been as moved by a person who spoke so well without any effort as Barack Obama. Him ordering PIZZA would be an inspiring masterwork. And that is in no way a slight to honorable Senator McCain and his smokin' hot wife. I think that if Barack Obama passes a law to save countries like Angola, and detonate a bomb planted inside faux Right Wing weiner jockey Glenn Beck, he'd have my vote over and over and over. Here's my INTERVIEW with Mr. Obama;

Check Out The Interview Above This For ANOTHER Potential Difference Maker, Brian Moore.

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