All Photos here are the rights of their original owners. But if I interviewed it, or if I modified it, it is MINE!
Famous Quotes....
"The only difference between hypnosis and religion is that people PAY to get hypnotised." - Tommy Null, Founder, Co-Owner, FNCE
"Dance monkey, DANCE! Just joking." - Tommy Null Founder, FNCE
"When life gives you lemons, throw them at someone whose life has NOT given them lemons" - Tommy, Founder, Co-Owner, FNCEII
"I Am What's I Is" - Tommy, Founder, Co-Owner, FNCEII
"Lavender Breeze, take me away!" - Deen, Co-Owner, FNCEII
"Bran Flakes!" - Andrew P., CEO, FNCEI
"Are you putting your chinchilla in my platform shoes, desperado?" - Tommy, Founder, Co-Owner, FNCEII
"If you want something done good, have someone else do it. But if you want it shoddy and quick, you can do it yourself." - Tommy -Founder/Co-Owner, FNCEII
"I wanna cut off your flesh and make it into a lampshade" - Cody Whalen, Head of Development
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the blender" - Tommy Null, Founder/Co-Owner, FNCEII
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