Now if you aren't Amish, you know of the CW/MTV reality modeling show "America's Next Top Model", a show made by supermodel Tyra Banks. And If you watched Season 5 (and realy, who didn't?) you will remember a girl named Cassandra. Cassandra was the cute and edgy girl who recieved a Mia Farrow-esque buzz, and she moved on. And then, on her very next photo shoot, Tyra was unhappy with the cut because she wanted it to be SHORTER. When the producers told her she had one night to decide whether not she wanted to go with the deeper trim, she ultimately decided not to, and was the first ANTM contestantette to voluntarily leave the show. I caught up with Cassandra, and this is what I got.
Q: EVERYBODY knows you from the 5th cycle of America's Next Top Model. You were a pageant girl and a model girl before. What was similiar and different about ANTM than other competitions?
A: Similarities would be competition among other girls and the need to be "on" all the time. Differences- well anyone who has crossed over can tell you that pageants and modeling are ery different, and there's actually somewhat of a rivalry between the two.
Q: Even though you quit the competition for obvious reasons, how much do you think you owe to ANTM professionally?
A: "Obvious" reasons is a little bit of a false pretense- what didn't air was my meeting with the producers. However I won't get into that. I don't owe them anything, nor do they owe me! I'm on amicable terms with most of those involved with the show.
Q: Who did you like and dislike the most in the house?
A:Like: Kyle.
Dislike: Ebony.
Q: What's next in line for you? More TV, music, or what?
A: I'm focusing on acting and have been doing quite well at that. I've worked on CSI, Las Vegas, Fast and Furious 4, Pushing Daisies, and many other projects.
Q: What do you consider your self in politics, Republican or Democrat?
A: Definitely Republican. Although I'm a big supporter of Ron Paul, who is more of a libertatian, even though he's running on the republican ticket.
Q: If you were president, what is the first thing you would do with all that power?
A: Handle illegal immigration. It is a growing problem that is adversely affecting our economy and needs to be addressed and fixed as soon as possible. I'm all about immigration for the betterment of one's self or family, but do it the right way and contribute back to the country you are taking from.
Q: Where do you see your self in 10 years?
A: If I knew that, I'd be making money as a psychic!
Q: What are your super powers?
A: Oh I have many, and if I revealed those to you, I'd have to kill you.
Q: What is your weakness?
A: Chocolate Chip pecan cookies
Q: Paper or plastic?
A: Paper.
Q: If you were an animal, what would you be specifically?
A: A white tiger.
I also informed her that if she was single, there was some of me in her future.
She was unresponsive. :) - Thanks For Reading, Reading Readers - Tommy
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