
Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Race: Tommy's Predictions

Well, every day I see more on the presidential race. And as far as I can tell, everyone's expectations are coming true. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and The Republican Whitey Patrol (John McCain, Mitt Romney, etc.) are quickly becoming the last people standing. Look Who have already bit the dust.

Joe Biden
Chris Dodd
Dennis Kucinich
Bill Richardson
Tom Vilsack
Sam Brownback
John Gilmore
Rudy Giuliani
John Edwards
Duncan Hunter
Tom Tancredo
Tommy Thompson

And if I have to make a guess, Here is the following order of the 2008 election.

First, the well-meaning but un-memorable Ron Paul will drop out.

Chuck Norris endorsed, guitar playing, Mike Huckabee will either outlast Mitt Romney, or not get the votes on Super Tuesday and drop out.

If there is a god, Mitt Romney will drop out, due to McCain getting more votes and eventually representing the entire Republican party.

It will be John McCain Vs. Hillary Clinton, because as much as Barack seems to be on the uprise, white America isn't ready to vote for a black man. Sorry 'rack-o!

Either the white, male mass will outvote Clinton, as has been the case in the history. OR, the minority will elect Clinton.

I look forward to seeing the final outcome. If Mitt Romney wins, I'm moving to Canada.

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