Today, I interviewed the articulate and lovely-haired Brit Lockhart from DDA, St. Louis' growing experimental musical outfitting. Here it is;
Q: Your band has made itself an institution in independent music. Do you like being a band with a wide fanbase, but less exposure?
A: Exposure is nice, because one of the best things about playing music is sharing it with people. But, as long as we have fans that keep coming to our shows, it doesn't reallly matter what kind of exposure we get for it. We play music for the soul purpose of creating something that we think is unique, and that we like to play. That's the whole point, right?
Q: When's the next EP, LP, or CD coming out, and why should everyone that reads this blog buy it?
A:Our next EP is entitled "Soap Box Briefly" and it will be out in late June, early August. You know I'm in the band, so this will sound a bit egotistical, but everyone who reads this blog should buy it! IF you're a fan of dark, dramatic, ecccentric indie rock, then you'll love this record! We'll probably release a couple tracks for free on our site soon, so check our site to hear the new.
Q: Who influences you as a writers/musicians the most?
A: Our influesnces constantly change, even from day to day. And anything can be an influence, from friends and family, to writers (my favorites lately are Bukowski and Orwell) to just everyday life. Musically, our biggest influences or bands that we look up to would have to be bands that sound like noone else. Bands like The Mars Volta, Sonic Youth, Make Believe, Radiohead, The Beatles, The Velvet Underground, Miles Davis, and The Microphones. We're definately music geeks.
Q: What is your stance/stances on the war in Iraq?
A: I personally think that war in general is rediculous. I think that we're losing valuable lives, and that we're in this war for no reason. But, I look up to those that are willing to fight for what they believe in. But fighting rarely solves anything.
Q: What are you/you guys' favorite food?
A;I would have to say either fried chickn with mashed potatoes, or Chinese Food. mmmmm.
Q: So after inspecting my blog, how awesome is it on a scale of 1-10 ( http://www. thetommyzone. blogspot. com )
A; On a 1 to 10 scale, I'd give it a 14
Q: Since I am in the Missouri area, any upcoming gigs you wanna plug here?
A: Well our next show is:
June 13th @ The Loft
Main St., Belleville, IL
(across from the Lincoln Theatre; above the Ice Cream Shop)
This show is going to be MONUMENTAL! Our friends the House Floor (Blacksburg VA) are stopping by on their tour of the midwest. COme out to Belleville for some amazing avant-rock!
$5 at the door - doors open at 8pm
Q: Do I reserve the right to call you/ your band my newest on my list famous friends?
A; But of course! Thanks so much, and stay in touch!
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