Today I got word back from Action Action, a New York Indie Rock outfit with an electronic flare and a pop idealism. I talked to Dan Leo, who does drums, percussion, and vocal efx for the band. A gracious guy, and an authentic good group, here is my interview.
Q: Your band has made itself an institution in independent music. Do you like being a band with a wide fanbase, but less exposure?
A: Having a wide fanbase with little exposure is a plus in the sense that people out there are paying attention to good music and sticking with it. We have great fans because they are dedicated and have a true passion for our music. We've spent about four years touring hard to build our fanbase up, and its a solid fanbase, we love seeing the fans we've made in different cities over and over. They are there for us and a band cant ask more than that, we appreciate the hardcore fans we have because they truly love our music, and we love them. dl
Q: When's the next EP, LP, or CD coming out, and wh should everyone that reads this blog buy it?
A: We will be going into the studio to record our record in early summer. We've been demoing tons of stuff, and we're stoked to get in the studio to put this record together. Yes, everyone who reads your blog should buy our record because itll be something that they will fall in love with.
(Editor's Note: I've Listened To Demos of Their Newer Stuff. Boss, Bad, Bitchin', and Groovy!)
Q: Who influences you as a writers/musicians the most?
A: As the band grows, the influences change, and that the great thing about music. But there are always the solid influences that inspired us from the start like Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, Nirvana, David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Elliot Smith...the list goes on and on. We love listening to different music all the time, and I think thats important if your band wants to innovate itself. People get bored of bands that put out the same record over and over. The bands themselves do to, so change is great.
Q: What is your stance/stances on the war in Iraq?
A: The war in Iraq isn't an easy subject to give a cut and dry answer to, but personally i think that the way we approached the war wasn't the most affective. Our economy is in a scary place right now because of this war, and its only going to get worse. Because of oil, the future of America and the world is at great danger. Instead of having to burn dinosaurs that is slowly deteriorating our planet, we should already be implementing alternative energy methods that wont ruin the environment and make us bomb other countries. People will say this war isn't about oil but about winning the war on terrorism. The fact is, by going over there and bombing the place up, we are creating more terrorism, and I believe the future holds that truth. dl
Q: What are you/you guys' favorite food?
A;We love all kinds of food, thats what makes traveling delightful in a sense. You get to try all kinds of stuff. Sushi is wonderful, Mexican rules, and we love Greek food as well.
Q: So after inspecting my blog, how awesome is it on a scale of 1-10 ( ..http://www. thetommyzone. blogspot.
com.. )
A; Im going to give it a 10 Tommy.
Q: Do I reserve the right to call you/ your band my newest on my list famous friends?
A; Thats up to you. Fame is a state of mind. We want to be everyones friend =).
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